Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Feedback from the group presentation

After having finally come up with a plan for our final idea for a music video, we created a power point presentation and then briefed the idea to the rest of the groups for feedback. Our presentation included our location for filming, (which will be Nine bridges, a location in Peterborough), how we plan to edit the video, what shots we will use and we also let the groups hear the song we wish to use. We received much positive responce, aswell as a few improvements we could make which we will take into account and add into our production as we go along. Our teacher also gave us feedback, and although he liked our initial idea he also suggested what else we could put into out music video.

Todorov's Narrative Theory

Equilibrium - Everything is normal - We get a sense of the setting and genre, thus allowing us to immediately connect to the narrative and characters of the music video.

Disruption - Something upsets the normal balance of life - The overall environment and video present a drastic change, which should be clearly recognised by the audience. To some this is where the actual narrative starts.

Recognition of disruption - Something effects the hero - In terms of music videos, the lead artist will portray a clear image of recognition towards the form of disruption. The 'disruption' does not necessarily mean something negative.

Attempt to repair disruption - The hero goes on his quest - After the lead artist has recognised a disruption of some sort, he/she will confront it and and the outcome will either be positive or negative.

Equilibrium is restored - The hero defeats the villain - Everything will go back to normal, however not exactly as it was at the start.